Rev. Frederick Douglass Haynes, Sr.

Rev. F.D. Haynes, Sr. served as Pastor at Third Baptist Church SF for 38+ years. And, for six years, Rev. Haynes, Sr. also served as President of the California State Baptist Convention.

In this photo, (left) Rev. F.D. Haynes, Sr. is making the President's Annual Address at Pilgrim Baptist Church in Los Angeles, CA.

W.E.B. DuBois Visit to TBC

Sunday, April 13, 1958

Historic Visits to TBC by Black Leaders

  • W.E.B. DuBois 90th Birthday Celebration

    April 13, 1958

  • Sun Reporter Article Announcing Dr. W.E.B. DuBois Visit to TBC

  • Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Rev. Frederick Douglass Haynes, Sr., and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Feb. 1958

Dr. King's Historic Visit

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King, were among the illustrious guests who have visited Third Baptist Church of San Francisco. This newspaper article, (left) displays the boldness of Dr. King's speech that day.

(News Article: San Francisco Chronicle; Feb. 23, 1958)

Pulpit Exchange @ TBC

After Rev. Dr. King's death, TBC partnered with white churches to begin an annual pulpit exchange.

(Photos: Rev. Howie at Third Baptist and Rev. F.D. Haynes, Sr. at Calvary Presbyterian Church)

Rev. F.D. Haynes, Sr.

Third Baptist Pastor for 38 years (1932 - 1971)

Pastor @ TBC during the Great Depression and the San Francisco Fire.

Rev. Frederick Douglass Haynes, Sr.

1932 - 1971

Pastor during the Depression

In 1932, Rev. Frederick Douglass Haynes, Sr., a young man of courage and vision dedicated to serving his fellowman and the Almighty God, came to the congregation of 150 members worshiping in this edifice on Hyde and Clay Streets. A minister of four...

Local and National Leader

Rev. F. D. Haynes, Jr.'s activities and influence were not restricted to the church. He was deeply involved in community affairs, active in civic, political, and fraternal organizations.

TBC Nurtures the Youth

A church-sponsored Girl Scout Troop, A Boy Scout Troop, and a state-sponsored credit union (a business entity) were added to accommodate the membership. The church contributed to local, national and international projects and foreign missions such as Bishop College...

TBC hosts DuBois & Dr. King

During his tenure, political leaders such as Adam Clayton Powell; African leaders such as Tom Mboya; civil rights leaders such as W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther King, Jr. graced the rostrum at Third Baptist Church.